Hunting on Hochfels
You have the coice of hunting for:
Oryx, Hartebeest, Bergzebra, Kudu, Warthog, Baboon,
Blue Wildebeest, Jackal.
We will gladly organize the hunt for other game like Eland, Impala, Blesbok, Springbok, Black Wildebeest and Waterbuck for you.
[Please click on relevant picture for enlargement]
Hunting informationen & Hints:
We usually hunt by tracking and stalking, at times from a high stand.
[Please click on relevant picture for enlargement]
Our hunting preserve is at an altitude of 1800m above sea-level in a rather rugged mountainous terrain which makes for very interesting and diversified stalking.
On top of that there are numerous high stands along promising game passes.
The hunters will be guided by the owner of the farm and Master-Hunting Guide, Heiner Kieckebusch
who is a hunting guide for bow-hunting as well and a member of the Namibian Professional Hunters
Association, NAPHA, as well as our certified hunting guide Ernst Namiseb.
The hunting season lasts from 1 February to 30 November.
Choice of Rifle:
Please bring along a rifle you are familiar with. As the African game is rather tough in
general, the caliber must not be less than 7mm. As during extended stalks through the
bush shooting sticks are used or a shot from a standing position with improvised support
is chosen, we recommend that you practice these techniques on a shooting range.
The distance to target can be 200m or more.
Suitable hunting weapons like .308Win. or 30.06 can be hired at the farm.
Import of weapons:
Importing your own weapon into Namibia is relatively simple.
However, you will have to fill in some forms on arrival and departure. In any case be patient.
The import of handguns and semi-automatic guns is prohibited.
Hunting licenses:
We provide you with all required hunting licenses and insurances. In the
case of a final booking we therefore would like you to furnish the hunter´s
complete address,a copy of his/her passport and the list of game he/she
would like to shoot as early as possible.
Exportation of Trophies:
The exportation of trophies is either processed by your taxidermist or any of
the local forwarding agencies.
We recommend light but sturdy cotton clothing and tough but light-weight shoes. A hat
and sun-blocker are essential.
Du to the altitude the farm is located at there is no need for malaria prophylaxis.
Should you, however, plan a safari to the north of the country, consider this option.
A tetanus shot is useful in any case.